When one talks about a weight loss pill that can be taken, Grecian lotre comes to mind. Lifestreet is also the brand name for this product. The ingredient list includes the usual stimulants, amino acids, fatty acids, and caffeine, as well as herbal extracts, resins, and gels. This pill is different from other weight loss pills in the sense that it offers a more powerful natural ingredient that will help you shed pounds naturally and faster.
The formula used in Lifestreet is made of the most potent herbs that have been blended together to make a pill that will give your body what it needs to function normally. This pill works as a colon cleanse agent, increasing your metabolism to speed up fat loss and cleansing the toxins from your system. Your body will be healthier and lose more fat even while you are sleeping. It’s a capsule-shape, not a liquid, making it easy to take.
Grecian lotre has a strong taste, but there is a lot of flavors available on the market. You can get the regular lotre with the same formula, or you can mix it up with other flavors. Some of these flavors include orange zest, carrot cake, and carrot tea. The capsule-shape is easy to take as is, but if you would like to add something extra, you can do so by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
With a little bit of creativity, you can use your Lifestreet capsule-shape for other things, such as attracting a lover. What you need to do is find a cup of hot coffee, some hot chocolate, and your favorite lotion. Mix it up and drink while you look into the cup. When the clock strikes twelve, count to four, and then say, “I love you”. If you have your Lifestreet with you, your man will be surely asking you out on a date!
There are quite a few Indian lotre with a small bottle in the market. If you want to change the taste of your Lifestreet every now and then, you can try mixing a few drops of your favorite scents. For example, you can add a few drops of ylang and a drop or two of sandalwood. The scent of ylang can really soothe your senses when you are feeling tense or depressed, and the scent of sandalwood can make you feel relaxed. This combination can even work wonders if you are having problems falling asleep at night!
To sum it up, the word “lotre” means a lot in Indonesian. A tree is also known as ranga and refers to a blanket. A plain blanket usually symbolizes peace. But in Indonesia, the use of lotre means “carrot”. So, when translated literally, “carrot means peace”. The same analogy can be applied when we translate other foreign words into Indonesian.