Baca Dragon and Inari Sand Room

Many people think they know whatlotrism means. For instance, a dictionary says that it is “a game played with a ring.” That is all that there is to lotrone definition. This might be close, but it certainly does not give the meaning of LOTRO.

Basically, lotrone definition didn’t give any specific place for lotre’s other names too. Yes, understand that your purpose is the basis of LOTRO definition. You’re romantic, idealistic, and in some way you think that to truly love means to endure. You attract people who have unique hardships or end up serving your fellow man. As you level up, you’re able to see the pattern that dictates your destiny, but yet you can also see the side of good and evil in life as well as the world around you.

When you get a higher level you can start to see a pattern to your actions, but remember that even the most powerful of characters in LOTRO are mortals. You cannot kill off the innate laws of the universe. No matter how powerful you become, it is not impossible to transcend to a higher plane. In fact, it has been said that the current Lord of Stone, Aeris, is actually a High God of Mount Arreat, where his son Baca Juga resides. While we do not know what role, or if any, Baca Juga plays in the overall scheme of things in LOTRO, we do know that he is quite powerful, serving as Lord of Breath and Master of Stone.

One can surmise that Baca Juga’s ultimate goal is to spread his wisdom to others. This is why he traveled east, away from his homeland, to seek out the secrets of the Anunnaki, in ITC. However, it is also possible that the power of his teachings could simply be too much for the west to handle, and that the idea of combining the forces of the east and the west for the good of mankind was too much for the gods to accept. So, even if it is only speculation, the influence of the Baca Dragon into the pantheon must have remained.

The influence of the Baca Dragon is most certainly depicted in the Feng Shui of Lord Vaastu. Lord Vaastu established a totipotency balance by placing the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water under the same quadrant of the room, with each element represented by one of the four elements. This gave rise to the presence of the Feng Shui concept of yin-yang in relation to man (wind is male and water is female), giving a symbolic connection between the men (or his physical body) and the elements. Similarly, in Lord Krishna’s tantra parlance, yin is equated with wind, while yang is equated with water. This is why the figure of Krishna is adorned with a golden lotus, representing the wind element, while His tantra scripture describes his lotus as “the mouth of the holy silent waters”.

The presence of the Baca Dragon in the Inari Sand Room, and its association with the element of earth, accounts for the presence of a number of tools and utensils in the room, including a large-scaled wheel (totally made of earth! ), a hammer (a great source of power, since the Earth element is associated with killing), and even a small shovel. It is interesting that the use of such everyday tools in ancient tantra practice seems designed to emulate the efforts of Baca, who presumably would have been thankful for the fact that her home did not have any electricity (as she would have been quite horrified), and that her home did not have a telephone either (as she may have been very wary of trying to make calls on her husband’s cell phone while he was engaged in sex with her).